We're here to help

Report suspicious activity
If you suspect a potential security concern or fraudulent activity, please give us a call at 800.303.9511 here(Opens in a new Wind

Report a lost or stolen debit card
Call us at 800.303.9511 if you have misplaced or believe your card was stolen.

Report a lost or stolen Credit Card
Call 800.558.3424 if you have misplaced or believe your credit card was stolen.

Digital Banking Security
In order to make our customer’s online banking experience as secure as possible, Skowhegan Savings provides multiple security features.
Debit Card Security
Our job is to take care of your money. To ensure that your funds are safe from fraud, we have an innovative service to help protect your ATM and debit card day and night.

Financial Fraud
Financial exploitation can happen when you least expect it. Click below to learn more about how we are working to combat it.
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